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User reviews about Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector. Many administrators therefore have specific questions concerning the brand's products. Pull up the article here. Monitor devices, bandwidth, and more. The dashboard provides for a quick and compact overview. Customizing PRTG is a breeze. Switching from other software takes no time at all. PRTG comes with predefined sensors. This will save a lot of energy as you get your wifi monitoring up and running. Customer experiences shows that license costs pay for themselves in an average of only a few weeks.

Typically, bandwidth is expressed as a bitrate and measured in bits per second bps.

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This means you can react quickly and prevent a crash. Notifications can be customized according to your needs. You get to decide, for example, if you'd like to be informed when everything is OK - or only if there is a problem. You can also define your own timetables and escalation levels.

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You as the administrator decide how you would like to be notified. Email, SMS, syslog or ringtone - find the method which works best for you. The PRTG notification system is included! There are no additional fees to pay. The notification system is also available in the free version, including a wireless or sophisticated home network.

Award winning solution We work hard on making our software as powerful and easy-to-use as possible for our customers each and every day. Of course it makes us proud when we get awards for that. Thanks to its proactive, customizable alarm, you'll be informed promptly and can thereby prevent crashes.

Customize your dashboard so you can keep constant track of those sensors which are the most important to you. You're currently using Nagios or another monitoring tool? Thanks to our Auto Discovery feature and more than predefined sensors, making the switch is a breeze. For many, wireless network monitoring is just one component of their monitoring structure. There can be many reasons for your Internet connection being down or disrupted. With PRTG, you get a monitoring tool which features an extensive framework. This framework allows you to discover unconventional sources of errors, sources you may not have searched for right away.

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