
Dmytro Zhuikov
M.A. Arch, DIA Hochschule Anhalt,
Dipl.-Ing. Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture.
01.2017- now  Nickl&Partner Architekten, Munich, Project Architect;
09.2016- now  4th Planet Logistics, Advisory Board Member;
07.2015-01.2017  RKW Architektur plus, Düsseldorf, Architect;
04.2015-07.2016  SSP SchürmannSpannel AG, Bochum, Independent Architect;
01.2014-09.2014  Group 8, Geneva, Internship;
02.2011-08.2012  Roshen CC, Kiev, Architect;
04.2007-07.2009  Drozdov&Partners, Kharkov, Architect.

Arina Agieieva
M.A. Arch, DIA Hochschule Anhalt,
Dipl.-Ing. Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture.
01.2017- now  Nickl&Partner Architekten, Munich, Architect;
09.2016- now  4th Planet Logistics, Advisory Board Member; 
07.2015-01.2017  RKW Architektur plus, Düsseldorf, Architect;
04.2015-07.2016  SSP SchürmannSpannel AG, Bochum, Independent Architect;
01.2014-09.2014  Group 8, Geneva, Internship;
08.2010-06.2011  TV channel Inter, Kiev, Designer;
11.2009-07.2010  Drozdov&Partners, Kharkov, Architect.

11.2017-03.2018  "Mars. The conquest of a dream" Fundation Telefonica, Madrid;
12.2015-03.2016  Center Nemo, Amsterdam;
07.2013-11.2013  "Cut 'n' Paste", MoMa, New York;
04.2013-05.2013  "Perfomence-driven architecture" Fuga Galerie, Budapest.

project   "Smart masonry"              ArchDaily, designboom, Archello, mason contractors associations of America;
project  "Mars Colonization"          National Geographic,  "Mars.Our future on the red planet";
                                                           Dezeen, Elsewhere (book, Paris), L’Obs,  gizmag, Wired, S7;
project "Voomy"                               DETAIL, Large Scale Office Design  IV;
project "Heart"                                 ArchDaily, The Telegraph,  Die Welt, S7;
project "Chernobyl"                        ArchDaily, Asahi Shimbun.

01.2018 jury shortlist "Design Limited Edition bottle for Henkell; 
07.2017 2nd place in competition "Small architecture objects for SBB CFF FFS", Schaffhausen, Switzerland; 
01.2017 jury award in competition "Design Workplace 2025 for ForeWork"
08.2016 4th place in competition "Jobcenter-Dachgewächshaus" Oberhausen, Germany;
08.2013 2nd place in competition "Service Station for TOTAL"Berlin; 
02.2013 Co-working table for Betahaus, Berlin; 
05.2013 AZURE AZ Awards of Merit: A+ Student Work;
09.2012 1st
 place in competition Holocaust memorials Kisilin, Bakhiv, Ukraine; 
06.2012 2nd place and jury award in competition for Tablett, New York;
03.2012 2nd place in the Degree & Profession - Virtual Expo Florence, Italy; 
03.2011 5th place at the international competition Marriott room 2012 in Berlin, Germany; 
04.2011 6th place in the international competition "H2Overhaul" Berlin, Germany;
09.2011 video presentation of "HILL BOXES" won first prize in"Best film design (professional) at the international festival
              DA! Fest in St. Petersburg, Russia;
11.2011 1st place and juri avard in the internation competitions Marriott Restaurant Transformer;
11.2011 1st place in the international competition Marriott Blank Canvas, Berlin; 
12.2011 Prize Hill boxes INTER'YEAR Kiev, Ukraine;
06.2005 Architecture Award, Moscow, Russia; 
05.2005 Vodoparad, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Conferences and Workshops: 
04.2018 Jury members of Marstopia international architectural competition; 
03.2012  Florence Festival, Italy;  
05.2012  Canactions, Kiev; 
05.2010  Ecological housing for everyone, Kiev;  
05.2010  Canactions, Kiev.   
JoomlaWatch Stats 1.2.9 by Matej Koval