ad office
 name: astrodoors office
Russia, Moscow
995 sq.m.
Arina Ageeva
3D visualization:
Arina Ageeva

What does it mean a new type of office space?
This is first of all mobility, comfort and functionality. These principles were developed in the project astrodoors office. Main task was in the
division of flows - visitors, and employees of the company. In general, work space is free, with insertion of islands with another functions:
cafe area, sales area, archive and library, a meeting area and display (for easy use of general purpose objects)
Office located in high-rise block of multifunctional centre.
Green Design (lawn, hydroponics) - should make life in office more comfortable. Also, the project includes a room for sleep and rest,
and a small cafe for employees of the company.
After coming out of the elevator, we get in gallery space. The first unit is a bench for waiting. Rounded wall
shapes reception area and separates the flow of workers from the flow of visitors. From the main "front" of the space can be reached at
room, the exposition and conference room. The main colors of interior was resolved, in corporate colors of astrodoors company - gray
and orange.
Green creates a focus on nature and comfort.
What does it mean a new type of office space?This is first of all mobility, comfort and functionality. These principles were developed
in the project astrodoors office. Main task was in the division of flows - visitors, and employees of the company. In general, work space
is free, with insertion of islands with another functions: cafe area, sales area, archive and library, a meeting area and display (for easy
use of general purpose objects)
Office located in high-rise block of multifunctional centre.Green Design (lawn, hydroponics) - should make life in office more comfortable.
Also, the project includes a room for sleep and rest, and a small cafe for employees of the company.After coming out of the elevator,
we get in gallery space. The first unit is a bench for waiting. Rounded wallshapes reception area and separates the flow of workers from
the flow of visitors. From the main "front" of the space can be reached atroom, the exposition and conference room. The main colors of
interior was resolved, in corporate colors of astrodoors company - gray and orange.Green creates a focus on nature and comfort.











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