status: 4th place in the international competition
location: Schaffhausen train station function: urban design object
architects: Dmitry Zhuikov, Arina Agieieva
year: 2017
Initiated by Swiss Federal Railways with the motto "More than mobility", this competition is aimed at the improvement of the waiting areas
on the train stations across Switzerland. A train station in Schaffhausen was selected by the client as a test area for theese improvements.
Climate Hat is an open-air public installation that improves climate on the open-air platforms and facilitates a cozy informal atmosphere.
It brings a high level of comfort and positive emotions for the SBB-Clients in all seasons of the year. Climate Hat eqquipped with the watter
fogger and infrared heater, it provides shade and cold water fog in summer, as well as heat in winter. Climate Hat interacts with the user,
rendering its effect in the desired area. The benefit of the concept is flexibility and simplicity. It is a prefabricated element that can be installed
quickly. Climate Hat can be installed on any platform: wide, narrow, short, long etc. The object is vandal-proof, robust and easy to maintain.